At Holy Smoke Cigar Lounge, we always look for exceptional cigars that offer a unique and memorable smoking experience. This June, we’re excited to introduce you to El Pulpo by Artesano del Tobacco, our featured Cigar of the Month.
A Masterpiece from A.J. Fernandez
El Pulpo, which translates to “the octopus” in Spanish, is a testament to the craftsmanship and dedication of its creators. Released in 2023, this cigar is produced by the renowned A.J. Fernandez in Nicaragua, a name synonymous with quality and innovation in the cigar world.
The Unique Blend
What sets El Pulpo apart is its specially-aged Mexican San Andrés wrapper. The company has taken extra time to age this wrapper beyond the typical period, resulting in a rich, bold character that stands out from the crowd. This attention to detail is one reason why El Pulpo took longer to come to market, but the wait was well worth it.
Flavor Profile
From the first draw, El Pulpo impresses with its complexity and balance. It’s not just about strength for strength’s sake; it delivers layers of nuanced flavors that linger on the palate. Expect to encounter notes of coffee beans, dark chocolate, nuts, and a hint of citrus. Each puff reveals a new facet, making every smoking session unique.
The Vision Behind El Pulpo
El Pulpo comes from the creative minds of brothers Gus and Billy Fakih, former New York City cigar shop owners who transitioned to full-time brand owners. Their first line, Viva La Vida, already garnered significant acclaim, appearing on our Top 25 list. With El Pulpo, they’ve taken their craft to the next level, creating a cigar that truly envelops your senses, much like an octopus with its prey.
Exclusive June Offer
Holy Smoke Cigar Lounge is offering a special 15% discount on El Pulpo boxes throughout June 2024 to celebrate this exceptional cigar. This is a limited-time offer, so make sure to visit us soon to take advantage of this fantastic deal. Our stocks are limited, and we anticipate high demand for this standout cigar.
Experience El Pulpo Today
Don’t miss the chance to experience El Pulpo, a cigar that promises a rich, enveloping smoking experience. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of premium cigars, El Pulpo will leave a lasting impression.
We look forward to welcoming you to Holy Smoke Cigar Lounge and sharing this extraordinary cigar with you.
Visit Holy Smoke Cigar Lounge this June to discover why El Pulpo is more than just a cigar—it’s a masterpiece of flavor and craftsmanship.
#CigaroftheMonth #ElPulpo #HolySmokeCigarLounge #CigarLife #CigarDiscounts #JuneSpecials #PremiumCigars